Rural Generalist Program South Australia

Consent for disclosure and use of personal information

I consent to the collection, storage, disclosure and use of my Personal Information. In summary this consent covers:

  • Purpose of collecting information
    • To monitor the progress and uptake of the RGPSA, including program coordination, reporting as required, evaluating the RGPSA, and program compliance
    • evaluation of the National Rural Generalist Pathway
  • Secondary purpose
    • To assist in the development and implementation of workforce programs and policies.
  • Disclosing of personal information
    • The personal information will be shared with the Commonwealth.
    • The personal information may be shared with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) where required to coordinate your training and employment.
    • The personal information may be shared with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) where required to coordinate your training and employment.
    • The Commonwealth may disclose the information to organisations contracted by the Department of Health and Aged Care, to undertake activities related to the evaluation of the National Rural Generalist Pathway.

I understand that for the purposes of evaluating the Rural Generalist Program South Australia and the National Rural Generalist Pathway my Personal Information may be used by the South Australian Government or the Commonwealth for (including but not limited to):

  • evaluating the degree to which the state or national workforce distribution objectives are being met since the implementation of the Rural Generalist Program South Australian and the National Rural Generalist Pathway;
  • assessing if jurisdictional Rural Generalist programs have contributed towards enrolments into GP training programs; and
  • informing the development, implementation and management of workforce planning programs and policies.

I understand that for the purpose of coordination of the training pipeline that my personal information may be shared with either ACRRM or RACGP to support my training journey and assist with planning future training positions and workforce and training programs.

Privacy and Your Personal Information

Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and the Australian Privacy Principles where it is collected and handled by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC).

Your personal information is protected by the IPPS where it is collected and handled by the South Australian Government Department of Health and Wellbeing (DHW).  Your personal information is being collected by DoHAC and DHW for the primary purpose of program reporting, evaluation, and program compliance purposes.

A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles may be obtained from the website of The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at

A copy of the IPPS may be obtained from the website of The Department of the Premier and Cabinet at:

The Government of South Australia and the Commonwealth is required by the IPPS and the Privacy Act, as applicable, to protect the personal information that is provided.

I understand that both BHFLHN and the Commonwealth will treat my identifiable Personal Information as confidential information and will de-identify and aggregate my Personal Information prior to using it as part of any publicly available report.

I understand that the Commonwealth will only collect, store, disclose and use my Personal Information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

hereby consent to the collection, storage, disclosure and use of my Personal Information in the manner outlined above in this form:

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Signature Certificate
Document name: Consent for disclosure and use of personal information
lock iconUnique Document ID: 854f58bde6ad8da60055c0b99dfce88194aa827e
Timestamp Audit
December 10, 2024 1:05 pm ACDTConsent for disclosure and use of personal information Uploaded by Johanna Milbank - IP