More than just a career

A rural generalist is a medical practitioner that works in rural areas utilising general practice, emergency and other medical specialist skill sets matched to the needs of the local community they serve. In South Australia, rural generalists live and work in our rural communities providing valuable primary care services as well as a range of hospital based services including but not limited to emergency medicine, anaesthetics and obstetrics.

There is a choice of training pathways a trainee can choose to become a rural generalist. Rural generalist trainees can train with either the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) or the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP). Each of these training pathways have a number of key mandatory stages of training and funded and self-funded programs to achieve Fellowship.

To watch our video Train with passion and purpose – Rural Generalist Program South Australia (RGPSA) click on the image

Learn about rural advanced skills training

This set of vignettes provide interviews with doctors undertaking advanced skills training and supervisors across a range of procedural and non-procedural advanced skills. Hear their stories and learn about their experiences of training in an advanced skill.

Benefits of RGPSA program

Dr Yee Ching ‘Olivia’ Ong

Coordinated Training

Trainees will be able to undertake training for both ACRRM and RACGP from internship through to fellowship within a geographical area with connection to the workforce for easy transition post fellowship.

Left to right: Dr Nikki Pennifold, Dr Kris Ghosh, Dale Mortensen, Dr Zahraa Ajool

Supported Quality Training

Access high quality and well supported training tailored to trainees needs with attractive rotations, broad clinical exposure and greater hands on experience that develops high clinical and reasoning skills.

Emu Bay, Kangaroo Island. Source:South Australian Tourism Commission, Photographer Elliot Grafton

Work Life Balance

Enjoy a better work life balance, with only a few minutes travel to work, sense of community and recreation activities that you won’t experience in metropolitan areas.

Sign up to the RGPSA

Sign up with us if you are interested in or need advice on rural training pathways or are already training in rural and would like to access a range of supports. We are here to support your training journey.

Training pathways

Each of the different training pathways have similar key stages of training that must be completed to achieve fellowship.

Infographic shows the pathway(s) from medical school through to fellowship. After medical school, an internship is undertaken with trainees then able to apply for a either ACRRM or RACGP college pathway. After internship, three stages of training need to be completed. These can be done in any order; a) general, basic, vocational or pre-specialist training, b) GP training for RACGP or Core Generalist training for ACRRM and c) Advanced Skills training. Fellowed GPs looking to develop an advanced skill are also able to join at this point. An optional skills consolidation and maintenance period can also be done following advanced skills training. Once all required components have been completed Fellowship is then attained.

Prevocational Years PGY1 & PGY2

General, basic, vocational or pre-specialist training across hospital and community rotations.

General Practice Training

Primary, secondary, and emergency care training

Advanced Skill Training and Skills Consolidation

Expands and enhances the professional knowledge and scope provided to the community in one discipline

See where you can access rural medical training in South Australia

The Rural Generalist Program South Australia’s interactive map shows the training sites across South Australia where training opportunities exist. Each site may have multiple training opportunities or rotations across the different training levels.