Dr Mike Bruorton, Dr Zhong Ren Ong
Requirements for general practice training
Fellowship as a Rural Generalist is achieved through either the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) or the Royal Australian College of General Practice (RACGP).
Fellowship of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM)
Rural and remote practice placements of 12 months
ACRRM Fellowship is achieved over 4 years with 3 years of Core Generalist Training (CGT) and 1 year of Advanced Specialised Training (AST). CGT will develop broad knowledge, skills and attributes in primary, secondary and emergency medicine in a rural and remote context. ACCRM training takes place in regional, rural, remote general practices, rural hospitals, Aboriginal Medical Services, retrieval service or other health facilities accredited by ACCRM.
Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practice (FRACGP) and Fellowship in Royal Australian College of General Practice Rural Generalist (FRACGP-RG)
Rural general practice placements of 18 months
Rural Generalist Fellowship through RACGP also takes place over 4 years and consists of 12 months hospital training, 18 months general practice training, 6 months core emergency medicine training and 12 months Additional Rural Skills Training (ARST). Twelve of the 18 months of general practice training needs to take place in a rural location. Dual Fellowship of both RACGP-RG and RACGP is attained on completion of training through RACGP.
Your PGY2 year can count toward your fellowship training though you will need to confirm the specifics with the relevant college.
How to apply
All positions are advertised through the SA Health Careers Website.
For more information about applications process for SA Health see link below.
Key dates |
RACGP AGPT Key dates | Link to external site | |
ACRRM AGPT Key dates | Link to external site |
Relevant links |
AGPT | Link to external site |
ACRRM AGPT | Link to external site |
RACGP AGPT | Link to external site |
RVTS Intake dates | Link to external site |
SA Health Careers | Link to external site |
Sign up to the RGPSA
Sign up with us if you are interested in or need advice on rural training pathways or are already training in rural and would like to access a range of supports. We are here to support your training journey.