Dr Pamela Gebrehiwot at Mount Barker District Soldiers' Memorial Hospital

Dr Pamela Gebrehiwot at Mount Barker District Soldiers' Memorial Hospital

Advanced Skills Training

Advanced Skills Training (AST)

Called Advanced Specialised Training with ACRRM and Additional Rural Skills Training with RACGP, an advanced skill is a requirement of Rural Generalist training and gives the trainee the opportunity to develop and provide an advanced skill to their rural community. AST training can commence from PGY3 with training positions varying across the regions depending on the specific discipline, demand and number of training positions available.

Options for advanced skills include anaesthetics, obstetrics & gynaecology, emergency medicine, palliative care, surgery, mental health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health as well as many others. For the complete list and training regions see the table below. Other advanced skills can be developed in consultation with your college, the RGPSA and suitable site(s). Discuss your needs with our RGPSA Clinical Advisors who are available for career counselling discussions via health.saruralgeneralisttraining@sa.gov.au.

Further information for each college is available on the ACRRM and RACGP websites.


Skills Consolidation –

Following advanced skills training the rural medical practitioner may undertake a period of training to consolidate those skills. RGPSA has Rural Procedural Consolidation Term Grants of up to $25,000 to facilitate consolidation training. As well as being available to recent advanced skills trainees, RPCT grants are also available for rural doctors needing to re-skill after a period away from practice.

Visit our RGPSA Rural Procedural Consolidation Term Grant page for additional information.

Dr Philippa [Pip] Knowler at Port Lincoln Hospital & Health Service

Dr Philippa [Pip] Knowler at Port Lincoln Hospital & Health Service

Advanced rural skills training – RACGP

AGPT registrars seeking Rural Generalist (RG) Fellowship are required to undertake ARST. The unique characteristics of rural and remote Australia offer diversity in terms of complex health presentations, and GPs with ARST can provide holistic specialist medical services (such as emergency medicine, mental health, anaesthesia and obstetrics) to their communities.

Options include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, adult internal medicine, anaesthetics, child health, emergency medicine, mental health, obstetrics, palliative care, surgery and academic post.

RACGP ARST Information



Advanced specialised training – ACRRM

Deepen your knowledge and skills in a procedural or non-procedural discipline expanding your professional scope and and clinical privileging in hospitals, access to additional Medical Benefits Scheme item numbers as well as contributing to and expanding the pool of medical services in rural and remote communities. Having advanced skills is an essential component of being a Rural Generalist.

Want to hear directly from ACRRM Fellows and registrars about why being a Rural Generalist is the best job in the world? Listen to the recordings from the RG Webinar Series. Learn about the ACRRM Fellowship training program, meet the SA regional team who will tell you all about ACRRM training in SA and will be there supporting you throughout your journey to becoming a Rural Generalist.

ACRRM Advanced Specialised Training


Where you can train

Different AST training options are available depending on the Training Pathway being undertaken and the needs of the local community. Other specialities may also be available. AST positions will be advertised through the SA MET application process. See key dates and links below.

Contact us to discuss your career goals so that rural AST/ARST positions can be developed to meet our rural trainees needs and for specific advice on advanced skill training in South Australia.

Speciality area College Positions
Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Health ACRRM
Academic Practice ACRRM
Contact us
Adult Internal Medicine ACRRM
Riverland Academy Clinical Excellence

Limestone Coast Training Network

Anaesthetics (RGA Training Program) ACRRM
Limestone Coast Training Network
Flinders and Upper North Training Network
TBA – Riverland Academy Clinical Excellence
Child Health RACGP Contact us
Emergency Medicine ACRRM
Limestone Coast Training Network
Riverland Academy Clinical Excellence
Barossa Hills Fleurieu LHN
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
(RANZCOG Associate Procedural and RANZCOG Associate Advanced Procedural)
Riverland Academy Clinical Excellence
Barossa Hills Fleurieu LHN
Eyre and Far North Training Network
Flinders and Upper North Training Network
Mental Health ACRRM
Riverland Academy Clinical Excellence
Paediatrics ACRRM W&CH
Palliative Care ACRRM

Yorke and Northern Local Health Network / LMH

Population Health ACRRM Contact us
Remote Medicine ACRRM York and Northern Local Health Network
Eyre and Far North Local Health Network
Contact Us
Surgery ACRRM (2 years)

The RGPSA is in the process of identifying and increasing the numbers and specialist areas of AST training positions available in rural and remote SA matched to communities local health needs.

Left to right: Dr Yee Min Kong, Dr Yee Ching 'Olivia' Ong

Left to right: Dr Yee Min Kong, Dr Yee Ching 'Olivia' Ong

Eligibility criteria

AST posts are open to applicants from the following medical practitioners:

  • Rural Generalist registrars on a recognised training pathway such as the:
    • Australian General Practice Training Program (AGPT)
    • Remote Vocational Training Scheme (RVTS)
    • Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) Independent pathway
    • Rural Generalist Training Scheme (RGTS)
  • Fellowed General Practitioners (FRACGP) undertaking Advanced Skills Training to obtain admission to FRACGP-RG.
  • Existing Rural Generalists (FACRRM or FRACGP-RG) who would like to undertake a second advanced skill to fill an identified community need. Please note that where positions are limited, priority may be given to trainees obtaining their first Advanced Skills Training post.

All applicants must declare if they are in receipt of other training or research grants which they may be simultaneously receiving during the Advanced Skills Training period.

How to apply

AST positions will be advertised on the SA Health Careers Website.

For more information about the applications process the RGCU can support you to plan your AST in line with your College requirements. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Key dates

Advanced skills EOIs open 12 June 2024
Advanced skills EOIs close 3 July 2024
Referee close date 10 July 2024
Interviews August 2024
Preference reorder option closes 30 August 2024
Offers commence 19 September 2024
Late Vacancy Management process commences 24 October 2024

Relevant links

SAMET PGY2+ and beyond Link to external site
SA Health Careers Link to external site
Advanced Skills Positions Link to external site

Sign up to the RGPSA

Sign up with us if you are interested in or need advice on rural training pathways or are already training in rural and would like to access a range of supports. We are here to support your training journey.

Training colleges