Left to right: Dr Shade McClymont, Dr Zhong Ren Ong & Sarah Boyd

Left to right: Dr Shade McClymont, Dr Zhong Ren Ong & Sarah Boyd

International medical graduates (IMGs) whose medical qualifications are from a medical school outside of Australia or New Zealand and who are seeking registration to practise medicine in Australia must provide evidence of eligibility to undertake one of the following assessment pathways:

  • Competent Authority pathway
  • Standard pathway,
  • Specialist pathway, or
  • Short Term Training in a Medical Specialty pathway.

The Australian Medical Council (AMC) manages the assessment process for the Standard pathway only; it does not manage the competent authority pathway, specialist pathway, or short-term training in a medical specialty pathway.  International Medical Graduates who wish to practise medicine in Australia will need to complete a pathway to be eligible for registration with the Board.

More information can be found through:

Medical Board of Australia

Australian Medical Council

Left to right: Dr Yee Min Kong, Dr Yee Ching 'Olivia' Ong

Left to right: Dr Yee Min Kong, Dr Yee Ching 'Olivia' Ong

General Practice Experience Pathway

International Medical Graduates (IMG) can gain fellowship in Australia through the General Practice Experience pathway via Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and without the requirement of doing specialist general practice training (vocational training) in Australia.

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Sign up with us if you are interested in or need advice on rural training pathways or are already training in rural and would like to access a range of supports. We are here to support your training journey.

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