Dr Kris Bascomb, RG Advisor, Obstetrics
Dr Angela “Kris” Bascomb
Rural Generalist Obstetric Advisor
Dr Bascomb is a well known local Rural Generalist Obstetrician who owns and operates the Boston Bay Family Health Practice in Port Lincoln where she works with 7 other senior RG/GP’s and RG/GP trainees. Dr Bascomb also works as the Director of Clinical Services for the Eyre Far North Local Health Network. Kris is credentialed in obstetrics, anaesthetics and RG surgery, works in the local Emergency Department and has a special interest in mental health.
2500 births; that’s what Dr Kris Bascomb calculates she’s been involved in over the past 15 years of rural generalist practice in Port Lincoln and over the Eyre Peninsula. She came into medicine as a mature aged medical student who went into study knowing she would return to Eyre Peninsula to be a Rural Generalist Obstetrician. Having lived on Eyre Peninsula for over 40 years her passion for rural medicine, rural communities and rural obstetrics is clearly evident.
Kris holds dual fellowship in ACRRM and RACGP and is a keen teacher who has mentored many general practice/rural generalist trainees over the past decade and more recently is acting as supervisor and trainer for both Advanced and Basic DRANZCOG candidates at the Port Lincoln hospital.
As Director of Clinical Services, Kris works closely with the Executive Director of Medical Services and the Medical Services team to develop a hospital environment where rural generalists are fundamental in training the next generation of rural generalists in all areas of practice – Obstetrics, Anaesthetics, Emergency and General Medicine.