Dr Peter Gilchrist

Dr Peter Gilchrist

Dr Peter Gilchrist

Rural Generalist Anaesthetic Advisor

Dr Peter Gilchrist is an experienced Rural Generalist Anaesthetist (RGA) and clinical educator for Adelaide University. He has worked extensively across rural South Australia and interstate, including as RGA and Partner with Bridge Clinic in Murray Bridge for 7 years. Currently Peter is contracted with the Flinders and Upper North Local Health Network (FUNLHN) providing emergency and elective anaesthesia, emergency care and inpatient care. In addition, Peter’s experience covers aged care, aboriginal health and rural general practice.

Peter brings a vast knowledge of key anaesthetic issues to the role of Rural Generalist Anaesthetics Advisor. He is involved in training new RGA candidates via the Diploma of Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (DipRGA) both in SA and nationally. Peter is an SA State Support Officer for the DipRGA and is a supervisor of training for the Whyalla Trainee. Peter is currently the deputy chairperson for the DipRGA exam committee and is one of the RACGP representatives on the national governing body for the DipRGA. When in Whyalla, Pete also provides training and education, supervision, assessment, and pastoral care Adelaide University medical students and the Resident Medical Officers in the FUNLHN.

For the past five years Peter has been the Chairperson of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Rural Anaesthetics Working Group. Consisting of delegates from across Australia, the group considers common issues facing RGAs along with the promotion and development of advanced skill training. Peter’s additional responsibilities include being a facilitator/ co-creator of RESP-Anaesthesia which is a two day simulation based workshop to better prepare RGAs for anaesthetic crises.

Peter also has research interests in anaesthesia, particularly looking at the safety of anaesthesia delivered by RGAs and the decision-making processes RGAs use to mitigate risk in their practice.
